How FRAGRANCE is made | plowden & fallow

Image of a perfumery scene by Plowden & Fallow

In the world of fragrances, there exists a realm beyond the familiar scents that waft from department store counters. These are the world of niche perfumes, the olfactory creations that captivate connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike and it is here that Plowden & Fallow can be found. Unlike mass-market fragrances that aim for broad appeal, niche perfumes are the embodiment of artistry, individuality, and luxury. In this blog post we are briefly going to explore the how we at Plowden & Fallow craft our olfactory masterpieces.


The journey of creating a niche perfume begins with an idea, a concept that encapsulates a unique vision. Plowden & Fallow is inspired by tradition, folklore and eccentricity, all of which, Britain and our home coutry of deppest Shropshire has in ample supply, we don’t need to travel far for inspiration. Inspiration can also come from a multitude of other areas, whether it's the scent of a blooming garden, the warmth of a cozy fireplace, or the essence of a distant memory, our perfumers will often draw from various sources to conceptualize the fragrance. This initial step sets the tone for the entire creative process.

2.0 Perfume Pyramid - Notes and Composition

Just as a painter needs an array of colours, Plowden & Fallow and our perfumer require a diverse palette of raw materials. These materials can be natural, synthetic, or a combination of both. Natural ingredients such as flowers, fruits, spices, and woods are meticulously sourced from all corners of the world. Synthetics, on the other hand, offer versatility and stability in scent profiles that might be difficult to achieve with naturals alone.

A perfume is composed of three layers of scent, often referred to as the "perfume pyramid." The harmony between these layers is essential for a well-balanced scent. These layers are:

  1. Top Notes: These are the initial scents that are perceived immediately upon application. They are usually light and fresh, creating the first impression of the perfume. Citrus fruits, herbs, and light florals are common top notes.

  2. Heart Notes (Middle Notes): These emerge once the top notes evaporate. Heart notes form the core of the fragrance and provide the main theme. Floral, fruity, and spicy scents often dominate this layer.

  3. Base Notes: These are the foundation of the perfume and linger after the top and heart notes have faded. Base notes are usually rich and deep, consisting of ingredients like woods, resins, and musks. They provide longevity to the fragrance.

3.0 the ‘nose’ sets to work

Crafting a perfume is akin to composing a symphony, with each note playing a unique role in the overall composition. Our perfumer, or ‘nose’ at Plowden & Fallow works with these notes, carefully blending them in various proportions to achieve the desired aroma. Trial and error, as well as a deep understanding of the chemistry of scents, are pivotal in achieving the perfect blend that befits the concept, for this is a process that cannot be easily described as it is deeply rooted in artistic expression.

4.0 the aging process

Once the notes are harmoniously combined, the perfume is left to mature. This aging process, which can span weeks to months, allows the various components to meld and develop a seamless, nuanced scent profile. Our fragrances becomes richer, more complex, and well-rounded as they develop throughout this process.

5.0 quality control and bottling

Once the aging process is complete, the perfume undergoes rigorous quality control tests to ensure consistency, stability, and safety.

The creative process that Plowden & Fallow adopts isn't limited to the scent alone; it also extends to the presentation of the final product. Plowden & Fallow pays meticulous attention to detail when it comes to bottle design and our packaging. Our bottle's and boxes' shape, color, and labelling are all chosen to resonate with the fragrance's theme and essence- an outer visual expression of what is contained within.

6.0 to conclude

To us at Plowden & Fallow crafting perfumes is a labor of love that marries artistry, science, and sensory experience. From the initial spark of inspiration to the final bottled masterpiece, the process is a testament to the dedication and passion of our perfumer who strives to create scents that resonate deeply with discerning individuals. We believe our niche perfumes offer a journey for the senses, a symphony of aromas that celebrates individuality and the boundless potential of olfactory art.

To browse our range of niche British fragrance please CLICK HERE.

Yours faithfully,

Plowden & Fallow Customer Services.


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