Do you need a bowl for A shaving brush?

Image of a shaving brush and bowl

Are you a grooming aficionado, navigating the vast landscape of wet shaving? One question that often arises in the world of traditional shaving is whether or not you need a bowl for your shaving brush? Plowden & Fallow is here to shed some light on this age-old debate and explore three distinct methods for creating the perfect lather: in a shaving bowl, on the hand and directly on the area to be shaved.

1. The Shaving Bowl

Traditionally, a shaving bowl has been an essential tool for creating a rich, luxurious lather. The process involves wetting your shaving brush, loading it with your favourite shaving cream or soap, and then swirling the brush clockwise and anticlockwise in the bowl until a thick, creamy lather is formed. The bowl not only aids in creating a consistent lather but also helps retain heat, providing a more comfortable and enjoyable shaving experience.

2. Hand Lathering

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, hand lathering is a good alternative. Simply wet your brush, load it with shaving cream or soap, and then transfer the product onto your palm. Use circular or back-and-forth motions to work up a lather directly on your hand. This method is a quick and efficient option for those who like to streamline their shaving routine.

3. Direct-to-Skin Lathering

For the minimalist shaver, skipping the bowl and hand entirely is a viable option. Apply a small amount of shaving cream or soap directly to the area to be shaved and use a damp shaving brush to work up a lather on your face. This method is not only time-efficient but also ensures that you are applying the lather precisely where it's needed, minimizing waste.

Plowden & Fallow Products

Our luxurious British made shaving creams offering easy lathering ability, so no matter the technique utilised, our shaving creams should with the proper application produce a delightfully smooth shave. To view our range of shaving creams please click HERE.

Should one be interested in a shaving bowl, we here at Plowden & Fallow produce two shaving bowls in porcelain, one in a scuttle type shape with a handle and one without a handle designed to comfortably sit in the palm of your hand. These products can be viewed by clicking HERE.

In conclusion, whether you opt for the traditional shaving bowl, the hands-on approach, or the direct-to-skin method, the key is to find what works best for you. Plowden & Fallow understand that shaving is a personal ritual, and the tools and techniques you choose should enhance your overall grooming experience. Experiment with these methods, explore various products, and revel in the ritual of wet shaving as you discover the perfect lathering technique for your unique preferences.

To view our range of shaving products, all made in the UK, please CLICK HERE.

Yours faithfully,

Plowden & Fallow Customer Services.


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