Essential OIls- a tail of extraction

Image by Kotkoa/ showing lavender essential oils being extracted


SHaving cream & aftershave balms with essential oils by Plowden & fallow

In the world of men's grooming at Plowden & Fallow, the quest for the perfect shaving experience has led to the convergence of age-old traditions and modern innovation. At the heart of our shaving products, in both our shaving creams and aftershave balms lie essential oils, meticulously extracted to capture the essence of nature and enhance every shave by leaving behind a pleasant light post shave scent.

When we think of essential oils, we often associate them with pleasant aromas and potential health benefits. However, have you ever wondered how these aromatic wonders are obtained from plants? The answer lies in the intricate process of essential oil extraction. In this blog post, we will delve into the art and science behind extracting essential oils and explore some of the most common methods used to capture nature's fragrant treasures, which we here at Plowden & Fallow, in various varieties, then utilise in our luxury shaving creams and aftershave lotions.

The Essence of Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts derived from various parts of plants, including leaves, flowers, bark, roots, and even fruits. These oils are valued not only for their captivating scents but also for their potential therapeutic properties, which have been used for centuries in traditional medicine and aromatherapy. Extracting essential oils is a meticulous process that requires a deep understanding of the botanical world, as well as the application of specialized techniques.

Methods of Extraction

Several methods are employed to extract essential oils, each tailored to the specific plant and its components. However, some of the most commonly used methods by those in the industry are as follows:

  1. Steam Distillation: This is perhaps the most well-known and widely used method. It involves passing steam through plant material, causing the essential oil to evaporate. The steam-oil mixture is then condensed, allowing the oil and water to separate. The oil, being lighter, floats on top and is collected. Steam distillation is ideal for extracting oils from leaves, flowers, and other delicate plant parts.

  2. Cold Press Extraction: This method is primarily used for obtaining essential oils from the peels of citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. The peel is mechanically punctured and pressed to release the oil. Cold pressing is a straightforward technique that doesn't involve heat, preserving the delicate aroma and properties of the oil.

  3. Solvent Extraction: For plants with delicate aromatics that cannot withstand the heat of steam distillation, solvent extraction is used. Plant material is soaked in a solvent, usually hexane or ethanol, to dissolve the essential oils. The solvent is then evaporated, leaving behind the oil. This method is often used for delicate flowers like jasmine and rose.

  4. CO2 Extraction: This method utilizes carbon dioxide in its supercritical state to extract essential oils. The carbon dioxide acts as both a gas and a liquid, allowing for the extraction of a wide range of aromatic compounds. CO2 extraction is highly efficient and results in oils with a closer resemblance to the plant's natural aroma.

  5. Enfleurage: An ancient method used for extracting delicate flower essences, enfleurage involves placing flowers on a layer of fat or oil to absorb their fragrant compounds. The process is repeated over several days until the oil becomes saturated with the plant's aroma. The oil is then separated from the plant material, leaving behind the essential oil-infused oil or "enfleurage pomade."


The art of extracting essential oils is a harmonious blend of science and tradition. The methods used to capture these aromatic essences are as diverse as the plants themselves, each chosen to preserve the unique properties of the source material. Whether through steam distillation, cold pressing, or innovative techniques like CO2 extraction, the result is a concentrated representation of a plant's scent and potential benefits.

In the realm of men's grooming, we like to believe that Plowden & Fallow stands out as a brand that combines tradition with innovation to deliver an unparalleled shaving experience. The essential oils utilised in our shaving creams and aftershave balms exemplifies our commitment to quality and authenticity. As you indulge in the luxurious scents and benefits of these products, take a moment to appreciate the art and science behind the extraction of essential oils – the hidden gems that enhance your Plowden & Fallow shaving ritual.

We include a small range of our shaving products below for your perusal.

Yours Faithfully,

Plowden & Fallow Customer Services


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